Friday, December 31, 2010

Skinnys are OUT

I blogged about the cyclical trends of fashion yesterday. 
Lo and behold, a new one has arisen: cropped pants. I swore by skinny denim for quite some time because it worked well with my short stature. Now that cropped is in, all of the shorties out there have to figure out how to incorporate this trend. 

Cropped pants can work really well or go horribly wrong so here are some looks to stick with.

[Source: Google Images]

Kim Kardashian is a bit on the shorter side (similarly to most women) and opts for a very casual look consisting of a fitted blazer, a long blouse and sandals. Victoria Beckham, slightly taller than Kim, opts for a nice pair of heels which takes dresses up her casual look. Ideally, these cropped pants are the types of fit to work with. I love how chic and laid back all of these women appear to be.


  1. I love the idea of these looks and these pants. Jeans are over played so the military green is definitely a fresh and interesting spin. Not to mention incredibly cute with a black blazer and either flats or heels. I feel like cords are also something to consider for alternative looks.

  2. I got 2 pairs of cropped pants today!! I REALLY wanted a military green pair and just may go back to pick them up ;)

    Thanks for commenting Lindsay
