To start off Valentine's weekend, I went to a jazz cafe where the Ronny Jordan Trio performed live jazz music at the Jazz Cafe. We were rewarded with a small and unexpected treat from Grammy award winning musician, George Benson. He sang a little blues

Though the music was perfect, my eyes roamed the room numerous times and spotted couple after couple after couple and found myself allowing Cupid's love to become my misery. Women were being held, comforted, loved and appreciated by their significant others and me, well, not so much. I miss him and I can't help it.
We argue almost everyday but we come to an agreement by the end of it all and it's as if it never happened. I love him. I love him a lot. So I'd like to dedicate this blog to him. Teddy graham -- I know you hate that name but I love it -- Happy Valentine's Day. I cook for you because I want you to be content. I worry about you because care about your well being. I become possessive because I'm selfish and want you to be mine and only mine. I give you hell because I love you. Sometimes I can be a complete ass and irrational but you are always so loving and forgiving and for that, I love you more than words can explain.

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