So I have been blessed with an amazing opportunity of studying abroad in London for the Spring 2010 semester. Along with that, I've done some minor travelling with the intent of visiting more countries in the upcoming weeks. The semester is about halfway complete, I am having a blast and could not ask for more but here I am, stressing out over summer 2010 and it isn't even here yet!! I'm most worried about obtaining an internship and actually, my future in fashion. Many ask, what type of career do I want and I simply say "Fashion." I'm not too picky or specific because I am interested in pretty much all areas. I suppose that my ultimate goal is to become a personal celebrity stylist but with that, a repertoire must be established.
Therefore, I'm right back at square one: stressing out over summer 2010 and my future in fashion! Ideally, Maryland is not the best location for a budding fashion fanatic as everyone is driven by desires but none have actually been successful. I have considered staying in New York for the summer so that I can apply for internships in Manhattan but with that option, I need a place to stay and money for transportation and living expenses. So once again, I have to bite the bullet and pass on another amazing opportunity until next summer.
Because I reside in Maryland, finding fashion internships here are ridiculous! Therefore, I have applied to ONE internship - at Buckle in Columbia Mall and I am PRAYING that they do accept me. If not, I will be contained within my little circle at the Eppley Recreation Center, greeting every patron with a warm smile, "Hi, how are you?" followed by swiping their student or membership ID, hoping that I made their day a little brighter, and making $9.95 an hour. It's not too shabby but it isn't fashion. It isn't the city hustle and bustle that I yearn for. In fact, it is quite tedious, repetitive and slow. I envision myself having the summer of a lifetime learning about the industry - hands on. My only preference is to not be behind my computer screen as I have been for the past 2 years or so searching for trends, fashion weeks, designers, etc.
Indeed, I have high hopes and ambitions in mind and though I may not be 100% qualified - who is anyway - I definitely possess the skills in mastering any task given to me. Do you need me to pull looks? Just tell me about the client's concept and perhaps the event they plan to attend and BAM, I am at the nearest showroom pulling outfits. Do you need coffee? Put in your request and I'll be at Starbucks. Not a fan of starbucks? I'll find the best, local coffee shop. Do you need me to take calls, create and organize databases, maintain an inventory of shoes, accessories and other clothing items? I can do that. Do you need me to run ten to twenty blocks in heels? Ok, I may cheat with this one and pull a pair of flats out of my purse but I WILL run!
Fact is, I am highly motivated and passionate about fashion. I love shopping but it doesn't stop there. Fashion is an art. It expresses one's individuality, mood, and ideas on what looks good or makes them happy. I love how a combination of elements such as color, shape, fit and material can spark an immediate response - whether it is good or bad. Fashion is a feeling. It could completely transform one's confidence or internal mood; they look better, they feel better. Fashion is transforming oneself whether it is for a moment or a lifetime. I am aware that I must work my way from the absolute bottom to the top and I am here to do that at all costs because it is my passion, it's what's on my mind everyday.
It's what makes me happy.