On my way to my new church for the next 4 months or so, I found myself thinking about hardcore blogging today. About what you may ask? I have no idea but what I do know is that so many emotions were going through my body at once. I was excited to have officially topped up my student Oyster card, ride the Tube -- without getting lost or confused I may add -- and having a great time fellowshipping with my new church family. I'm actually catching on to things really quickly. The church that I found is in Holloway which was really easy to get to from my flat. It's about 20 minutes away and the tube is SUPER effect and easy to figure out. Yep, that's it right there, but not so much in black and white. My new church away from home is quite comfy and cozy. I sat next to some older women and they greeted me with pretty eyes, amazing brown skin and warm smiles. I believe that they may have been from the Caribbean because they had some qualities that reminded me so much of my grandmother and that was something precious and dear to me.
Along the way, I also bumped into my new college campus at London Metropolitan University, London Met for short. I'm glad that it's pretty close so the commute isn't horrible and I can get some extra minutes of sleep in the morning. After church, I met up with my roomie Bethany and our program mate, Emily. We tubed to Borough Market which was awesome and had the most amaaaazing Indian curry! It was 5 pounds a pop and we all contribute about a pound and sixty pence, sat by an outdoor warmer, and ate from the same portion. It was a very intimate and sweet moment amongst the three of us and I loved every minute of it! There were so many yummy samples: granola, all kinds of cheeses, chocolate brownies and tomato soup! So far, I've accomplished some really cool outings. Next up, shopping -- and oh! I've got to make a list of things to do, see or be while in London.
Sorry for the lack of original photos but carrying my Nikon p90 is not essential for simple point and shoot photos. However, I will be dedicating a day for photography, in the artsy manner of course because I am soo trying to ditch this American tourist label as you can see!
I have been neglecting my dear blog but no fear, I am back from my oh so precious sabbatical. It's been ages and I realize that I have plenty of things worth blogging about now that I'm a semester abroad in London. I touched down four days ago and my experience here has been nothing short of amazing! Of course my first day was filled with jet laggedness along with homesickness so I spent the majority of my time (sitting in our white couch covered in orange) napping, Skyping and facebooking my family and friends.
However, that quickly ended once I had the opportunity to explore this historical city. Aside from a few boring yet necessary study abroad orientations, I have been completely obsessed with the architecture, the excitement and the countless possibilities of fun and friendships. If it never got dark, I'm pretty sure that I'd still be walking as opposed to blogging at this moment.

So, for the first couple of days here, it's pretty obvious that I am an American since I am (1) looking left, right, left instead of right, left, right, (2) walking in a herd of 20 kids which looks like a bulldozer approaching local civilians and (3) I'm snapping pictures of every building. The highlight of all had to have been the tour of London. It wasn't one of those traditionally stamped, scrolling across the side of the double decker bus, signs that read "SIGHTSEEING TOUR BUS" or whatever they usually say. It was a bit discreet so I didn't feel too touristy .. until we stepped off of the bus, 50 people deep. Eventually, that became the least of my worries as we gawked at the Tower Bridge that crosses the river Thames and the Erotic Girth, visited the Buckingham Palace, the Westminster Abbey and the House of Parliament.

Apparently, I'm over the touristy approach and am reminded each time I exit my flat, skeleton keys in tow, and join hundreds of Brits briskly walking to work, running errands, or those just going for a quick bite. I join them walking at a pace equally as fast, if not faster, and wonder if I am officially a wolf in sheep's clothing; am I perceived as a Brit or is there something still American about me even though I've finally dropped the herd of my fellow Americans and have become an individual? Nonetheless, I'm experiencing this independence and am navigating through this city like no other due to the accessibility of so many eateries, shops and pubs within a one mile radius.
I've yet to take complete advantage of the nightlife due to not having my Student Oyster Card which is the equivalence to a NY Metro Card but it arrived in the mail today. Yay! Now I can make proper plans to see some great productions i.e Les Miserables, The Lion King, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, etc and visit some really great places such as Leicester Square and Picadilly Circus for some majoooor credit, well more so debit card, damage. Luckily, I do not drink so everything experienced on this trip will be sober (and cheaper for my pockets though there are plenty of opportunities to purchase inexpensive beers). 
Ok, so for my first couple of nightings, literally a couple (2), I visited my FIRST pub. This consisted of me ordering Hot Chocolate with warm, sweet and soft marshmallows and this may be a developing pub ritual of mine with each pub outing. Bizarre? I know but what do you expect from a non-alcoholic? Apple juice so it at least appears to be beer? LOL. The next night was at a cutesy bar in the International Student House, also known as ISH, where bouncers open the door continuously for entering and exiting patrons. Its' streaming and flashing purple, pink, red and white lights and dance floor created a techno, rave feel however combated by its plush leather couches paired with mini tables were also great for social inviting conversations. That night in particular, was deemed "Karaoke Night" where one pound donations were collected from every act for Haiti. Therefore, Ms. Emma and I (in her drunken state) were bitten by the hip-hop bug. 15 acts later, we were rapping the lyrics to Nelly's "Hot in Here". Me: Word for Word. Emma: Slur for Slur.
The nightlife, the entertainment life, better yet, LIFE in general is so fresh and rewarding. Everyone is in great shape, great sense of fashion and even greater personalities. I'm most excited to finally take classes at London Metropolitan University and to be integrated with the Brits. Once this happens, my new life in London will be growing at an increasingly rapid speed and when that happens, I'll be ready for whatever comes my way.